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Project Management 

Time Management 

Taking from our Project Management module, we utilised a Gantt Chart. This allowed us to scrutinise the needs and opportunities of each department to successfully remain sustainable, motivated and keep to strict deadlines to ensure smooth operations and remain strong within our team dynamics.

People Management

The importance of delegating effectively reflects how empowered team members feel which strengthens their skills, decision-making ultimately, and productivity (Forbes, 2019). Darwing inspiration from this, we delegated task based on strengths, which allowed us to work as a cross-functional team.

Time Management 

Taking from our Project Management module, we utilised a Gantt Chart. This allowed us to scrutinise the needs and opportunities of each department to successfully remain sustainable, motivated and keep to strict deadlines to ensure smooth operations and remain strong within our team dynamics.

People Management

The importance of delegating effectively reflects how empowered team members feel which strengthens their skills, decision-making ultimately, and productivity (Forbes, 2019). Darwing inspiration from this, we delegated task based on strengths, which allowed us to work as a cross-functional team.

Law and Governance

Terms of Service Agreement

To promote transparency and accountability for our team and sellers, it was mutually decided that we would require a formal 'Terms and Agreement'. To execute this, we drew back to our module, 'Law and Governance for Social Enterprises' to highlight the responsibilities of both parties. 


Fraud Control

We also delegated different tasks to different people: such as Dom to verify payments made by customers and Firra counter-check with the amount she received to prevent internal fraud from happening. This eliminated the time needed to investigate missing payments and the need to fork out our own money. 

Technology for Business

Customer Process Mapping

We utilized our customer process mapping skills learnt from TecBiz to prepare a customer process chart, which helped us with identifying key elements in our website that were needed and also to improve the overall UI/UX of the website. 




Proper Delegation and Trust

We empowered each other and strengthened teamwork through delegating tasks effectively based on the respective strengths of each team member. This helped us to became a cross-functional team and one that is not afraid to give recognition and constructive feedback where deserved, which allowed us to trust each other more and complete tasks efficiently.


Non- Value Added Activities

Apart from team meetings which discussed deliverables and project progress, we also implemented "non-value-added" activities such as team lunches to talk about our personal lives, experiences and aspirations which promoted a sense of community amongst the team, thus subconsciously being more motivated knowing we have common goals. 

Fast Recovery and Adaptability

Ability to Pivot Quickly from Hurdles Faced

We faced many different hurdles such as having to do up a 'Terms of Service Agreement' with our vendors after being ready to launch and having to change our payment gateway. 

As these 2 deliverables were vital to our project, we immediately prioritized our Vendor 'Terms of Service Agreement' and change our payment method from Wix (paid) to Google Forms (free). This thus shows how fast recovery and adaptability is vital for projects



No Conscious Consumerism

Price and Functionality


We observed that products that are cheaper (toys) and with more practicality (Biscuits that can be consumed) were still chosen more as compared to more expensive and traditional items, thus showing the biggest factors determining consumer’s purchasing behaviour is still price and functionality. This can be attributed to a lack of knowledge. Thus, our marketing must show how purchasing items that were a bit more expensive but made traditionally can benefit Singapore's cultural heritage. 

Youth Market Detached

Digital Tools and Mordenisation

Though our social media marketing's biggest audience was youths, traffic flow and check-outs made on our website were mainly still made by older customers. Tours conducted by the local vanishing trades were also hardly patronized by youths thus showing that youths had little interest in knowing about our cultural heritage. Thus, including an element of modernisation and technology is needed to entice them more.  

Cause for Hope

A Hopeful Cause

Through every sale made, post seen, and blog read, a little bit of knowledge regarding local vanishing trades and their culture is being passed down to the next generation.  With the correct resources, time, technology and modernisation, youths will slowly start to be more receptive towards learning about Singapore's rich history and realise the importance of preserving local vanishing trades. 

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