Learning & Developmental Opportunities
Interview with Mr Mayur (The Green Collective)
Provided Insight on the Collective Model
"When starting a project like this, you must be clear if you want to do a charity or earn money. Both are perfectly fine, but there is no way for you to get the best of both worlds so pick one." - Mayur 2021
For-Profit Model
Necessary to take a cut from the profit to remain sustainable long term
Able to use profits to expand on a bigger scale and onboard more businesses, therefore making more impact
Social Impact for current partners not fully maximised
Charity/ Non Profit
Funding will be uncertain, thus growth and expansion will be slow
Short- term impact made on the current vendors will be bigger as compared to a for-profit model
Hybrid Model
Inspired Flashback to adopt a hybrid model
Start as a Non-profit to grow in knowledge of the Collective Model and increase our credibility
Progress towards a For-profit model with increased knowledge and credibility to generate bigger community impact.
Meeting with Mr Nah Yong En (Arts Business Management)
Provided insight on product value
“Yes you want to be able to save these trades. But the question is “Is there still a demand for these items?” There is a reason why these trades are dying you know?”
Product Value on tradition items
No longer in demand due to a wide range of choices available online
Traditional Items are harder to make and cost more
No longer practical for an everyday consumer to purchase items that are less functional but cost more
Creating Demand for Traditional Items
Demand = How much people value these items
Give people a renewed reason for people to purchase these traditional items
No longer practical, so it is vital to find a new marketing angle and target demographic to sell the products to
Eg. Market these products as “instilling a feeling of nostalgia”. People will be attracted not because they will use the items, but because it reminds them of something.
Future of Business = On mobile phones (specifically smartphones)
E-commerce merchants must be well equipped to accept payments worldwide to grow globally
4 main payment method preferences of E-commerce merchants
Easy to use
Effective Service
One time Integration (Future of Mobile Payments)
More scaleable for merchants to meet global consumers cost efficiently and effectively
Reduces need for merchants to adopt new payment gateways one by one
Reduces the need for merchants to worry about foreign conversion exchange
Facilitates data exchange between merchants on the platform
Provides a smoother payment flow
Not just a payment gateway, but also a marketing tool
Allows merchants to remotely add discounts and checkout page
Allows users enjoy more rewards via flash discounts, E-vouchers and daily rewards
Increases Engagement and check-out rates
Fintech (The Digital Secret Sauce to reach more consumers globally)